Real Estate Gloominess as Opportunity

I met a lady name, Mecca today. She is in the real estate industry and plans to open a staffing agency related to Real Estate soon this summer.

I have great admiration for people like her. This is because she is my kind of person that turns weaknesses to opportunities and negatives to positives.

At the same, the Dr. Phil show had a segment on families fighting over money and inheritance.

It is one of the things I have always taught as mentor. Money is something we create and not money using us to become what we are not.

Only then when we realize that we have the power over money can we understand how to get rich and even get by.

In this turbulent times, when bookstores are closing their doors we are are thriving in our new venture with AFFORDABLE BOOKSONLINE.

Yesterday alone, our servers went down twice because of the enourmous website traffic we have received. And thus today we had to register two new domains,

So, this is why it is also a great time to find good deals for real estate. One good company to find exemplary deals is HOME GAIN.

Good luck and happy house hunting.


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S&P reports that at least 7.7% value of homes has dropped since year after year as of Feb. 2008.

People should read through the lines on what economist are really saying.

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